The World Through Zen Eyes Podcast Artwork

The World Through Zen Eyes Podcast

What we do?
Once a week we take a look at the going-ons of the world and say something about ‘em.

The goal?
None, really. Just trying to make heads and tails of the great world roar of Ooommmmmm. 

To try ‘n keep a modicum of personal sanity. And stay off both the meds and the cool aid.

The point? 
Points are sharp and therefore violent. We just go around, and round….and round.

The views, perspectives, and humor of the speakers and guests of this podcast do not necessarily represent the those of any associated organizations, businesses, or groups, social, religious,cultural or otherwise. The entirety of the podcast is for entertainment purposes only. Topics discussed and views expressed do not constitute medical advice. As the saying goes “Opinions are like bellybuttons, everybody’s got one”.

The World Through Zen Eyes Podcast